The impact of neoliberal policies on federal government education institutions

the presence of the values of innovation and entrepreneurship in the bill Future-se


  • Tarcila Soares Formiga Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET-RJ) – Rio de Janeiro – Brasil


The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the bill n. 3.076/2020, which establishes the Programa Universidades e Institutos Empreendedores e Inovadores – Future-se, whose first draft was presented in 2019, can be understood in the context of neoliberal policies that foster values such as competitiveness, individual initiative, entrepreneurship and innovation. By proposing a reform of these educational institutions, bringing them closer to the private corporate sector, the bill shows how values and norms associated with market economy are gaining prominence in the field of education

